Piles or Bawaseer
Piles is a Latin. Word “Pila” – A ball Haemorrhoids is a greek word “Haema – Blood rhoos Flowing” common people call it piles or BAWASEER. The Aristocrats Call it Haemorrhoids.
- Bleeding with stool is the first complaint
- Protruding mass on straining or defecation
- Ultimately blood loss causes anemia and
- Associated weakness, lethargy, dizziness etc.
- Poor health low vitality, Poor performance at work etc.
- There are four degrees of piles 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, degree piles.
- Hereditary
- Constipation and straining
- Chronic dysentery and diarrheas
- Chill’s, excess sour, pungent and hot spices jaggary and stron alcohal cause bleeding
- Maida, less fibre diet cause constipation
- Pregnancy – increased pressure on superior haemorhodal vein.

Internal haemorrhoids prolapsing into the lumen on straining

On retracting the larger oedematous, skin covered perianal swelling

Prolapsed thromposed internal haemorrhoids

The gross oedema of the skin and subcutaneous tissues at anal orifice